KUCHING, April 24: Catholic Archbishop of Kuching Simon Poh and Anglican Bishop of Kuching Diocese the Right Reverend Datuk Danald Jute received their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine at the Indoor Stadium vaccination centre here yesterday.
Relating his experience after receiving the jab, Poh said that he felt fine except for a little soreness on the needle spot but it did not impede him from working comfortably throughout the day and over the weekend.
“On the whole, by drinking plenty of fluid and being attentive to my body are good ways to monitor and help ensure a healthier lifestyle during these pandemic days,” he said in a statement today.
Poh, who is also Associated Churches in Sarawak (ACS) chairman, also extended his gratitude and respect to the People’s Voluntary Corps (Rela) personnel and the healthcare frontliners for the smooth process of vaccination.

“I give my respect to Rela, admission and ushering teams and medical personnel who were on hand to assist everyone present. Thank you for your gentleness and friendliness that I have experienced and witnessed on my vaccination day,” he added.
In addressing the Catholics in Sarawak, Poh called on the people to seek always to fullfil the higher goal for the common good of everyone in Sarawak and Malaysia.
According to the guidelines issued by the Malaysian Bishops’ Conference on Feb 4, 2021, he emphasised that the Catholic position is that vaccination is a moral good and the moral principle with regard to vaccinations is that it “depends not only on the duty to protect one’s own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good.”
“Each person is to make the decision freely according to one’s conscience.
“A humanitarian principle is to make your decision with an outward viewpoint by considering the good of others and not thinking of self-preservation which is inward looking,” he said.
By making the decision to be vaccinated, Poh added that one is ultimately making a choice to protect others around the person including family, colleagues, friends and the larger society.
“Thus when 70 per cent of the population has been immunised, we will achieve herd immunity and help overcome Covid-19 in our community.
“Everyone can make a difference. Each vaccination contributes to the common good as expressed in the placard ‘Lindung Diri. Lindung Semua’,” he added.
With the State vaccination programme being rolled out in stages over a period of months, Poh pointed out it is also important that people do not let their guard down especially with the current wave of infections that saw Sarawak hitting three digits infections.
“Whether vaccinated or not yet, each person can still help to contain Covid-19 infection by fully complying with SOP (standard operating procedure) including keeping one-metre social distance and wearing face masks, minimising points of contact, reducing social circles and unnecessary trips,” he advised.

In solidarity with Muslim brothers and sisters during the Ramadhan month, Poh called on every one to intensify good work with acts of kindness.
“I encourage people of all faiths and goodwill to pray and invoke God for protection and intervention in our worldwide Covid-19 pandemic. Love God and neighbour. Stay positive and healthy. Keep safe and take care of each other,” he urged. — DayakDaily