An early photographer to Sarawak

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak By Alex Teoh A double page spread of the Illustrated London News on 4 January 1873 shows a stately print with the...

How many Indians were there on Mount Matang?

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak By Jutta Kelling With the Indian Festival of light Diwali just gone, here is some more information on the ancestors of the...

Nosing out the dragons in Sarawak: In the footsteps of G.H.R. von Koenigswald

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak By LIM Tze Tshen IN SARAWAK, dragons exist not only in local stories and legends, such as those fascinating accounts told by...

Asian elephants in Borneo and the missing fossil from Bau

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak By LIM Tze Tshen By size, the Asian elephant is the largest wild animal living in Borneo. Its natural geographic distribution in...

The adventurous journey of Father Hupe — From Germany to Sarawak

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak By Jutta Kelling ON 8 OCTOBER 1912, a strange party arrived in Upper Sarawak. The American Gilbert W. Kriesz and his companions...

Nooh Dawa and the dragon as Great Spirit — a Lundayeh tale

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak This is the fourth of a four-part series titled 'The Naga Moves: Dragon Tales from Borneo'. The first three parts can...

Kebing races the dragon and becomes penghulu — a Kayan tale

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak This is the third of a four-part series titled 'The Naga Moves: Dragon Tales from Borneo'. The first two parts can...

Dragon cloths that ensure safety — an Iban tale

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak This is the second of a four-part series titled 'The Naga Moves: Dragon Tales from Borneo'. The first part can be...

The naga and his twin sister — a Malay tale

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak This is the first of a four-part series titled 'The Naga Moves: Dragon Tales from Borneo'. By Monica Janowski MORE than a hundred...

“Come visit me and you will be blessed”: The importance of Qing Ming, the...

Heritage Snippets of Sarawak By Jennie Soh THE Chinese community places great importance on the Tomb-Sweeping Festival known as ‘Qing Ming’, based on the belief that...