Calling DUN ‘Parliament of Sarawak’ will not benefit state — DAP leader


By Wilfred Pilo

KUCHING, Jan 22: Democratic Action Party (DAP) Batu Kitang chairman Abdul Aziz Isa finds Serembu assemblyman Miro Simuh’s call to change the name of the Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) to ‘Parliament of Sarawak’ as rather dubious and will not benefit the state at all.

“As far as I am concerned, the original name for DUN Sarawak is ‘Council Negeri’ and not Parliament. If Miro Simuh, as a new politician, stated that they have in their mind to follow the Scottish Parliament, then they must know that the Parliament of Scotland was based on a Treaty of Union 1707, whereby before they formed and joined the union with England, they have a Parliament by themselves.


“After the Scottish Act 1998 and through the devolution of power, England gave back the power to Scotland to have their own Parliament. That is Scotland,” he said and wondered why Miro made such a suggestion.

Abdul Aziz said this to reporters after he represented Stampin MP Chong Chieng Jen to hand over RM20,000 to the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) of SMK Jalan Arang here today.

Abdul Aziz reckoned Miro was trying to mislead the public and to divert the people’s attention with his “bizarre” call.

He advised Miro to focus his attention on problems such as dilapidated schools, improving the socio-economy of the people, recognising ‘Pemakai Menoa’ and ‘Pulau Galau’ for the Dayaks and building more bridges to link urban centres to the rural areas, such as in Kapit and Sibu.

“This should be their priority rather than talking about changing names. The name change doesn’t benefit society,” he opined. — DayakDaily
