Calling adolescents to come forward for Covid-19 jabs at Tebedu PPV on Oct 14

Calling for adolescents to come forward for Covid-19 jabs at Tebedu PPV on Oct 14.

KUCHING, Oct 9: Adolescents who have yet to receive their first dose of Covid-19 vaccine are called to come forward to Tebedu vaccination center (PPV) from 10am to 12pm next Thursday (Oct 14).

Serian Divisional Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) in a recent notice said that the vaccination programme is available to those who have reached the age of 12 for schools under Tebedu PPV.

Additionally, the vaccination programme is also open to SMK Tebedu and SMK Tebakang students, aged 13 to 17.


Adolescents who are studying outside of Serian and those who are not in schools are also welcomed to receive their Covid-19 vaccine jabs.

The eligible vaccine recipients are reminded to bring a consent letter from their parents if they are not accompanied by them.

For any inquiries, members of the public can contact 011-31750913. ā€“ DayakDaily
