Build heart centre in Sibu please, says SUPP man

Wong Ching Yong

SIBU, Feb 14: Sibu needs a heart centre to meet the needs of patients in the area.

According to a report by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas), Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) Dudong branch chairman Wong Ching Yong said a heart centre would allow early treatment to be given to patients.

“This is the biggest dream of the people of Sibu. It is very urgent and if you look at the statistics, heart disease is the main killer in Malaysia.


“Many people suffer from heart disease, especially heart failure, heart attack and others, making it a very urgent issue.

“I hope that a heart centre can be developed in the next few years,” he said when met by reporters at SUPP Dudong’s Chinese New Year open house in Jalan Lanang here last Monday (Feb 12).

Wong also called on the two Members of Parliament (MPs) in Sibu—Lanang MP Alice Lau and Sibu MP Oscar Ling—to play their role so that the heart centre can materialise. — DayakDaily
