Blackout, numbering system down, MySejahtera system error at Stadium Perpaduan cause long queue chaos

Long lines of people waiting for their turns to be vaccinated at the Stadium Perpaduan, Petra Jaya.

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, June 14: A power cut followed by the failure of the electronic numbering system and errors in the MySejahtera system at the Covid-19 vaccination centre located at Stadium Perpaduan, Petra Jaya were the causes of the long queue chaos today.

After hearing news of the situation where there were long lines of people waiting under the sun for their vaccinations at the stadium, one of DayakDaily reporters went down to the ground to check out the condition.


Upon arrival, cars were seen parked all the way from the stadium up to the roundabout at Jalan Stadium and those attending their vaccination appointments had to walk on foot to reach the vaccination centre.

By the entrance of the stadium, people were waiting to be registered before they were led into the stadium for their vaccine jabs, but the numbering system was down and members of the enforcement had to manually call for recipients.

Going further to the back, that was where the infinite queues started with people standing under their umbrellas, waiting impatiently and cluelessly for the line to move forward.

There were also groups of people waiting idly under the shade at whichever corners they could find, some under the tents which were limited so some resorted to sitting on the grass under trees or behind tall structures.

Amid the mayhem where officers and volunteers were trying their best to maintain order among the crowd, the Ministry of Local Government and Housing’s Public Heath Section head Dr Cheong Yaw Liang confirmed the blackout situation, which also caused other issues in the system.

“(We are now) settling the situation, we know that it may look messy because just now there was no electricity, then people started cramming, then there was also the MySejahtera system error,” he told DayakDaily in front of the stadium here today.

He also said the teams are doing their best to get the system back to normal, so he requested patience and cooperation from the public.

Kuching City South Council (MBKS) mayor Dato Wee Hong Seng, who was also there with several of his councillors to assist, said the priority would be to rectify the situation and get things back to normal.

“The most important thing now is to rectify the situation. I understand that standing under the hot sun is not a pleasant thing, but nobody wanted this to happen.

“The only thing is to come down to assist whatever we can, to make sure that things can flow back smoothly. When there is a problem, we solve it. That’s it,” he said.

He and his team also brought along 1,500 bottles of drinking water and 100 umbrellas to be distributed to the public to ease inconvenience while the authorities deal with the situation. — DayakDaily
