Bintulu MP wants water supply project connected directly to Sibu Jaya instead of Kanowit

Tiong (fifth left) having a meeting with Sibu Water Board officers and several consultants from Kuching today to discuss Sibu’s long term water supply plan.

KUCHING, Jan 18: Bintulu MP Dato Seri Tiong King Sing has proposed for one of the 600mm pipes from the Sibu Jaya/Kanowit Phase 2 project to be directly connected to supply water to the Sibu Jaya area instead of connecting it to Kanowit.

This suggestion was laid out to Sibu Water Board and several consultants from Kuching during a meeting to discuss Sibu’s long term water supply plan today (Jan 18).

“There is no need to connect (the water supply) to Kanowit in order to avoid the hazards of insufficient water pressure.


“As for the water supply system in Kanowit, it should be further improved to ensure uninterrupted supply for the residents here,” he said in a statement today.

Tiong, who is also Dudong assemblyman, further said that besides reducing the maintenance costs in the future, it is also necessary for the authorities to plan for the increase in the current population of 40,000 in Sibu Jaya after the completion of the housing project, instead of looking forward only a few years.

He explained that there is a danger that the water pipes would not be large enough to cater to high future demand and need to be reconstructed and reinstalled.

“This is what we are currently seeing in Sibu with messy pipe systems. Some pipes are even installed in the drains in a way that not only wastes funds but also blocks future widening of the road.

“Therefore, the authorities need to estimate the costs of these projects immediately, so that the government can make long term plans to gradually solve the unstable water supply problems in Sibu,” he added.

He also informed that the proposed Phase 3 of the Salim Water Treatment Plant is also expected to increase from the original 150 MLD per day to 300 MLD in 2025.

However, the authorities expect to take a year to observe in the field to really determine the viability of the design.

“I hope the engineers are able to speed up the project and provide treated water to cater for Sibu’s future development.

“We have to prepare for foreign investors interested in setting up factories in the future by ensuring that there is sufficient water and electricity supply.

“Therefore, the relevant units must work together to design a solid and sustainable water supply system with long term planning and avoid challenges of maintenance and upgrades in the future,” he emphasised. — DayakDaily
