Big turnout at PRS’ 14th anniversary bash in Sibu

Masing (centre), joined by other party leaders and members, put their hands together to cut the cake to mark PRS’ 14th anniversary.

By Karen Bong

SIBU, Oct 21: A big crowd of Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) members and supporters from all over Sarawak gathered at a hotel here last night to celebrate the party’s 14th anniversary.

PRS president Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing, newly appointed deputy president Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum, Women chief Dato Sri Doris Brodie, Youth chief Datuk Snowdan Lawan as well as vice-presidents Datuk Liwan Lagang, Datuk Masir Kujat, Datuk Mong Dagang, Datuk John Sikie and Majang Renggi were present.

A massive crowd of PRS members and supporters from all over Sarawak converging at a hotel for the party’s 14th anniversary celebration.

Organising chairman John, who is also Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Native Laws and Customs), called on all members to give their fullest support to Masing, a “leader who dares to speak the truth”, to continue leading the party.

“Many things have happened this year since the 14th General Election (GE14), including losing three parliamentary seats,” he addressed the diners.

Echoing Masing, he reiterated that these experiences were lessons for the party and people to improve and grow stronger.

“The president was being bashed left, right and centre on social media and on other platforms for speaking the truth, but this is the kind of leader who we should respect and trust,” he emphasised.

Loyalty and sincerity to the party, he reminded the audience, were crucial criteria for PRS, which is still a comparatively young party, to grow bigger in the future.

Masing donning the tribal warrior costume presented to him as a souvenir at the celebration.
Masing (third from right) handing over a grant to i-CATS chief executive officer Mohd Hisham Fauzi in support of the institute’s jogathon event. Also seen (from right) are Janang, Salang and John.

“If you compare it to a child’s growth, we are still a young party at only 14 years of age or Form Two level only. So, we need sincere guidance to grow as a solid party,” he added.

The celebration was filled with jolly good fun and entertainment, including singing, dancing and a fashion show.

The event also witnessed Tamin assemblyman Christopher Gira handing over 1,500 membership application forms to Masing, followed by the president handing over membership cards to TR Anthony Jiram from Belaga division and the presentation of a grant worth RM5,600 in support of i-CATS Jogathon. — DayakDaily
