Beladin Water Treatment Plant to the rescue for Kpg Spinang folk

A Kampung Spinang resident bends over to show a dry water tap during this year’s Hari Raya celebration. - file photo

KUCHING, June 22: The Rural Water Supply Department (JBALB) plans to solve the water woes of Kampung Spinang in Pusa, Meludam, by connecting the village to the Beladin Water Treatment Plant as well.

Currently, the village gets its water from the Meludam Water Treatment Plant, which produces about two million litres of water per day.

In a statement today, the department said the proposal was in the midst of implementation and was scheduled to be completed by March next year.


“A pipeline connection project of about 12km between Spinang and Beladin villages is being implemented. It is expected to be completed in March 2019.”

The aim is to connect the supply between Meludam and Beladin. When completed, the surrounding areas will receive water from two treatment plants: Meludam Water Treatment Plant and Beladin Water Treatment Plant.

“The problem of low water pressure faced by the residents of Kampung Spinang will be overcome by receiving supplies from the two existing water supply sources,” it stated.

As a short-term measure, JBALB will send water tankers to the affected area more frequently.

The department said the problem experienced by Kampung Spinang folk was also because the village was located at the furthest end of JBALB’s pipeline system in the area.

“Because of this, the village tends to experience low water pressure, especially during festive seasons, because of increased demand for water during peak hours.”

JBALB was responding to DayakDaily’s recent report on the dire water situation in Kampung Spinang during the recent Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration.

From June 12, water supply to the village was totally cut off, and it was only five days later (June 17) that water tankers appeared. In addition, the water delivered by water tankers was not enough for the whole village.

During this dry period, the villagers used water from a nearby pond for washing and used mineral water for drinking and cooking.

A villager complained that the dry water taps was not a one-off thing. She claimed it had been plaguing the 100-odd families for years. — DayakDaily
