Be discerning with “news” on social media, PRS members told

Sophia presents a souvenir to Masing during the gathering.

MIRI, July 15: Dayaks who are very much into the Internet and social media lifestyle must learn to differentiate between real and fake news.

Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr James Jemut Masing observed that online technology had significantly changed the way people live their lives, so it must be used with care, especially in terms of news.

Speaking at Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) Senadin Branch’s ‘Ngiling Bidai 2018’ here on Saturday night, Masing, who is also the party’s president, said even PRS became a victim of the social media recently.


He related that fake news was spread through social media that about 1,000 PRS Senadin Branch members had quit the party last May 15, when in fact only less than 20 members had left.

“Therefore, it is crucial for us to learn what is real and what is fake,” he stressed.

On Native Customary Rights (NCR) land issues, he expressed his concern with the differing views on this matter among the Dayak community.

“Stop the dissension over the issue (NCR land). Let us stand united. NCR land is yours … nobody is taking your land.

“Do not simply accuse the government of robbing the natives (of their land),” he said, adding that other communities cannot stake claims over NCR land.

On the Land Code (Amendment) Bill, 2018 that was passed on Thursday, Masing said, “I pity Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas (Minister of Modernisation of Agriculture, Native Land and Regional Development). During the tabling of the bill, NCR land issues were wrongly interpreted in social media. They have made him (look like) a fool,” he lamented.

Also present at the PRS gathering were the party’s Youth chief Datuk Snowdan Lawan, Women chief Datuk Seri Sophia Brodie, Members of Parliament, assemblypersons and other senior leaders. — DayakDaily
