Aspirasi returns fire at PBK over “lack of strategy” to achieve Sarawak independence

Lina Soo

KUCHING, Sept 19: Sarawak People’s Aspiration Party (Aspirasi) president Lina Soo expressed astonishment at Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK)’s indecisiveness on its Sarawak independence policy.

She said the party has signed a memorandum for an independence referendum (IR) and later rejected it even before the ink had dried on the document.

“This ‘blow-hot-blow-cold’ attitude on Sarawak independence shows PBK’s political immaturity and lack of strategy for a doable and achievable blueprint for Sarawak independence,” she said in a statement today.


Soo also expressed disagreement with PBK president Voon Lee Shan’s recent statement that a unilateral declaration of independence (UDI) is legally recognised under international law.

“This is a deceiving statement as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) lacks lawmaking authority and merely provides non-binding legal opinions in an advisory role. Only the 15-member Security Council of the United Nations is empowered to enforce international law, not ICJ.

“The ICJ ruling on the 2008 Kosovo UDI is merely advice to say that UDI is not against international law, but falls short of declaring that UDI is international law, and I hope PBK will get this distinction right so as not to mislead the electorate,” she said.

Voon had proposed that a nation can become independent just by declaring independence in the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) through a simple majority show of hands.

However, Soo questioned that if this was true, countries like Scotland, Catalonia, Kashmir and Okinawa would have already done so.

“What is the party’s backup plan when upon declaring a UDI, the federal government immediately declares an emergency and sends the army in to impose a curfew? How will PBK ensures the safety and security of Sarawakians?” Soo questioned while requesting for a blueprint showing that UDI is a peaceful and guaranteed foolproof way to achieve Sarawak’s independence.

To Voon’s question directed at Aspirasi if the party has abandoned its stand on holding an independence referendum, Soo reassured the former that Aspirasi’s stand on the referendum process has always been consistent.

“Aspirasi has even codified its political struggle for an independence referendum in its election manifesto for the 12th State Election (PRN12) which was officially launched a year ago. 

“The party stands behind the 23 organisations supporting an independence referendum and calls for alliance and teamwork to generate public support for a referendum, because the people cannot be imprisoned in a failed political union against their will,” she emphasised.

Soo also said that the previous Chief Minister, the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem, had already successfully declared and gazetted ‘Sarawak Independence Day’ commencing July 22, 2016, which serves as the launching pad to complete the State’s journey to full independence.

“Sarawak independence is non-negotiable and will be achieved through the constitutional, lawful and peaceful process with the consent of the people,” Soo asserted. — DayakDaily
