Ang: We need to pay tribute to frontliners for combating Covid-19

Datuk Seri Ang Lai Soon (File Photo).

By Adrian Lim

KUCHING, May 24: Social activist Datuk Seri Ang Lai Soon believed Sarawakians need to pay tribute to the unsung heroes such as doctors, nurses and frontliners in helping to combat the Covid-19 pandemic in Sarawak.

Ang, who is also the founder of St John Ambulance in his Hari Raya Aidilfitri message, said society needed to remember with deep gratitude their hard work and sacrifices especially the Muslims brothers and sisters who worked as doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and frontliners to ensure the Covid-19 pandemic in Sarawak is under control.


He believed the federal and state governments are doing their utmost in taking care of medical workers, frontliners and their family members during the Covid-19 pandemic.

ā€œWhile celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri, we remember with deep gratitude the splendid and heroic work of the frontliners especially the healthcare workers, doctors, nurses, other health care personnel and frontliners such as the police, armed forces, volunteers and the journalists for keeping us informed.

ā€œWe mourn the loss of lives and the sacrificesĀ made by the frontliners who fought the war against this invincible and silent gallantly so others may live.

ā€œOpen houses are an important feature in the Hari Raya celebrations, enabling friends, colleagues and acquaintances and even strangers from other faiths and ethnic groups to celebrate Hari Raya marking the end of Ramadan.

ā€œHowever, this Hari Raya and other religious and culturalĀ festivals have to be celebrated quite differently due to the global war against the invisible and merciless enemy Covid-19.

ā€œToday, we celebrate the end of Ramadan without the traditional open house but rather observing this festival privately among the family members, thus providing much bonding as has never been seen before,ā€ he said.

He asserted millions of Muslims throughout the world are celebrating the end of Ramadan today with their families.

In Malaysia, he noted that there is an incredible level of acceptance, tolerance and mutual respect in our society not always found in many parts of the world.

As a Sarawakian and the grandson and son of two Sarawak Nonya ladies, Ang noticed that Sarawak has developed its uniqueness over the decades from its relative isolation.

Over the decades, he observed that Sarawakians from various races and religions have fostered harmony among the peoples which have different beliefs, languages and various cultures.

ā€œAs part of the Hari Raya celebration (today), I would ask that all of us in the country toast our uniqueness and pledge to uphold it into the future.

ā€œLet us join our Muslim sisters and brothers, wherever they may be, in greeting one another with Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Maaf Zahir dan Batin,ā€ he added. – DayakDaily
