336 landowners receive land titles in Miri

Awang Tengah speaking at Handing Over of Land Titles Ceremony held in Miri Today (Nov 25, 2019).

Brad Rantayy

MIRI,Nov 25: A total of 336 landowners receive their land titles at the the Handing Over of Land Titles Ceremony in Miri today.

Villagers from six villages of Sungai Tiris (Kampung Pejuang Kelulit, Kampung Pintasan, Kampung Tiris, Kampung Sebalik Tiris, Kampung Sulap Lada and Kampung Padang ) and  residents of two longhouses from Loagan Manuk in Bakong received their land titles under Section 6.


As many as 52 residents of Rumah Ampik received their land titles under Section 18.

Awang Tengah (sixth right) handing over land titles to a longhouse headman.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan who handed over the land titles to the residents urged native landowners not to fall for fake land issues politicised by the opposition.

He said there was not a shred of truth that Sarawak government has been using Section 6 of the Land Code to grab the land of the people.

“Only brainless (biol) people will believe on their (the opposition’s) baseless accusations,” said Awang Tengah who is also Second Minister of Urban Development and Natural Resources.

He expressed concern over the situation as there has been so much politicising on the matter.

Awang Tengah explained that perimeter survey carried out under Section 6 of the Sarawak Land Code protects the rights of the natives over their land instead of being grabbed of the government as accused by the opposition.

Speaking at the Handing Over of Land Titles Ceremony held at a leading hotel here, he stressed that Section 6 is the preliminary step before the survey under Section 18 can be done.

“Perimeter survey under Section 6 is meant to give way to perimeter survey to be done under Section 18 where individual land titles will be given,” said Awang Tengah.

He said since 2010, an area of 913,656 hectares (2.257 milliom acres) has been successfully measured and as much as 753,456 hectares (1.861 million acres) have been gazetted until October 31 this year.

Also present were Assistant Minister for Women, Family and Childhood Development Rosey Yunus, Assistant Minister for Local Government and Housing Datu Dr Penguang Manggil, Assistant Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Sebastian Ting, Lambir Assemblyman Ripin Lamat, Miri District Officer Abdul Aziz Mohamad Yusuf as well as Land and Survey Department (Miri Division) Arni Abdul Rahman. — DayakDaily
