1,900 needy Sibu students receive RM200 school uniform vouchers

Dr Annuar (second left) handing over the items to Sofiana during the ceremony.

SIBU, June 17: A total of 1,900 hardcore poor and poor students in Sibu district received vouchers worth RM200 each to purchase school uniforms via the Sarawak Foundation School Uniform Aid today.

Assistant Minister of Education, Science and Technological Research Dr Annuar Rapaee revealed the vouchers would benefit Primary One and Form One students this year.

“It is for those poor students whose parents have registered with e-Kasih where their economic status is either poor or hardcore poor,” he said during the voucher presentation ceremony today.


Others who are eligible for the aid include students with disabilities, Penan students and rural students.

“I urge and appeal to shops selling school uniforms to sell only quality ones to these students,” Dr Annuar said, adding that shops should not take the opportunity to profiteer just because of this programme and that parents should also check the quality of the uniforms before making purchases.

He also advised parents to make full use of the vouchers for the benefit of their children.

Among those present were Deputy Sibu Resident, Wong Hee Sieng, Assistant Sibu Education Department Officer, Sofiana Hassan and District Officer, Suhaili Mohamad. — DayakDaily
