18 food items listed under Aidilfitri price control scheme

An enforcement officer checking the price of controlled items at a supermarket.

By William Isau

SIBU, April 3: A total of 18 types of goods have been placed under the Festive Season Maximum Price Control Scheme (SHMMP) for Hari Raya Puasa 2024 for Sibu Division.

Ministry of Domestic Trade Branch and Cost of Living (KPDN) Sibu head Kelyn Bolhassan said, the implementation of SHMMP Hari Raya Puasa 2024 starts on April 5 to 19, which is for fifteen days.


Items affected are large yellow onion, imported large red onion, white onion (China), curly dry chili, red chili, imported ginger, long beans, peanuts, imported round cabbage (Indonesia and China excluding Beijing), green mustard, cucumbers, tomatoes, imported potatoes (China), coconuts (maximum price at wholesale level only), shredded coconuts (maximum price at retail level only), imported beef, puffed Fish including Mabung Fish and Selayang Fish.

“In order to curb unreasonable price increases by irresponsible traders, we will not hesitate to issue a notice under Section 21, Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 on those who raise their prices.

“It is reminded that strict action will be taken against traders who fail to comply with the regulations under this scheme,” Kelyn said in a statement today.

The relevant section provides for a fine of up to RM100,000 or imprisonment not exceeding three years, or both, or compound up to RM50,000 while companies can be fined up to RM500,000 or compounded up to RM250,000.

“For the offence of failing to put a pink price tag on price-controlled goods, individuals can be fined by the court up to RM10,000 or compound up to RM5,000 while for companies they can be fined up to RM20,000 or compound up to RM10,000,” Kelyn explained.

He also reminded producers, wholesalers and retailers not to raise prices suddenly after the end of the SHMMP period.

“This scheme will be successful if all parties are responsible and play their respective roles,” he said.

Meanwhile, if the public encounters traders who do not comply with the law in relation to this scheme, they may channel complaints to the ministry through the Ez ADU smartphone application, e-aduan.kpdn.gov.my website; or via email at e-aduan@kpdn.gov.my.

In Sibu, they can also visit the KPDN Sibu Branch Office at 1st Floor, Wisma Federation Block 3, 96000 Sibu, or contact the KPDN Sibu Branch Office at telephone number 084-335622 and via WhatsApp at 019-2794317. — DayakDaily
