YPS organises community market to celebrate 28th anniversary, free art workshops available to public

Chan (centre), Aloysius (left) and Wan Ali touring the YPS community market exhibition.

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, May 21: Yayasan Perpaduan Saraawak (YPS) has put together a community market at the Kuching Oldcourt House in conjunction with its 28th anniversary.

The market, which showcases art exhibitions, handicrafts and offers free workshops by local art practitioners, will be open to the public from May 21 to 22 from 9am to 4pm.


Among the invited art practitioners and artpreneurs are Cikgu Huda & Lynn, Ceres Lau, M. Sahzy, Nama Berita, Fun Art Club, Dr Yvonne Michelle Campbell and Felix Augustus.

Focusing on Sarawak’s unity, cultures and stories, the co-curated space enhances the coexistence of unity and harmony within the community through shared experiences.

One of the stalls showcasing handmade beaded accessories at the YPS Community Market.

YPS deputy chairman Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam said during the two-day programme, the public will have the opportunity to interact with seven talented art practitioners through workshops and masterclasses.

“Aside from that, exhibitions of past and current projects done by YPS such as Sarawak’s Pride, ARCH (Advancing Racial Cohesion and Harmony), Things That Binds Us, and the latest Projek SUARA (Strength through Unity, Alliance and Responsive Action) will also be displayed in the main event hall.

“The exhibition exemplifies YSP’ ongoing efforts and impact in promoting and enhancing unity in diversity in Sarawak and beyond.

“I hope the public will enjoy this community market that we have planned and take this chance to immerse themselves in this interactive learning,” he said when officiating the opening ceremony of the YPS community market here today.

Chan was representing the Sarawak Governor Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud who is also the chairman of YPS in today’s event.

Accompanying Chan were YPS chief executive Datu Aloysius J Dris and YPS member Datuk Wan Ali Tuanku Yubi. — DayakDaily
