Abang Johari’s CNY visits show he is ‘a leader for all’

From third left: Tanjung Datu assemblyman Azizul Annuar Adenan; Minister of Tourism, Creative Industry and Performing Arts Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah; George Chan; Abang Johari; his wife Puan Sri Datuk Amar Juma'ani Tuanku Bujang; Chan's wife Datin Patinggi Puan Sri Datuk Wira Lorna Enan Muloon and others tossing the Yee Sang dish at Chan's house on Feb 10, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Information Department (JaPen)

By Shikin Louis

KUCHING, Feb 10: Premier of Sarawak Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg’s Chinese New Year (CNY) visits in Kuching today portray him as a leader for all rather than any particular group, says former deputy chief minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan Hong Nam.

He said despite being the leader of the State, Abang Johari has been gracious in spending his time visiting a lot of the Chinese leaders’ houses during the festive season.

From left: Chan, Abang Johari, his wife Puan Sri Datuk Amar Juma’ani Tuanku Bujang and Datin Patinggi Puan Sri Datuk Wira Lorna Enan Muloon photographed during CNY open house on Feb 10, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Information Department (JaPen)

“He actually shows that he is with the people—with the Chinese, Malays, Ibans. and all other groups.

“I think he is trying to portray himself as a leader of one nation or group rather than any particular group.

“I think this is what he has been trying to do all these years, and I find that this is the future of Sarawak where everybody works together,” he told the media after a CNY open house at his residence here today.

Abang Johari and wife Puan Sri Datuk Amar Juma’ani Tuanku Bujang photographed tossing the Yee Sang with Tan (on Abang Johari’s right) and others on Feb 10, 2024. Photo credit: Sarawak Public Communication Unit (UKAS)

Meanwhile, Associated Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sarawak (ACCCIS) president Datuk Tan Jit Kee expressed his gratitude to Abang Johari for visiting the former’s residence earlier today.

“He never misses visiting my house every year during CNY except during the movement control order (MCO) restriction when Covid-19 hit the State.

“We are very close friends from when he was still an assistant minister,” he said.

This morning, Abang Johari attended the Sarawak Government’s 2024 CNY Open House held at Borneo Convention Centre Kuching (BCCK).

Afterwards, he visited the houses of several Chinese leaders, namely former State Attorney-General (SAG) Dato Sri Foo Joo Chung, Plaza Merdeka Holdings Sdn Bhd managing director Dato Steve Ng Thian Yew, Normah Medical Specialist Centre chief executive officer Dato Dr Au Yong Kien Hoe, Tan and Chan. — DayakDaily
