Yap returns fire over DAP’s non-promises with ‘air liur’ metaphor

Yap (right) and Chong in DUN today (May 19, 2022).

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, May 19: Kota Sentosa assemblyman Wilfred Yap has rebuked Chong Chieng Jen (PH-DAP) for not keeping his word after Sarawak Democratic Action Party failed to keep several promises to the people of Sarawak when under the previous government led by Pakatan Harapan (PH).

“The people’s confidence in the GPS (Gabungan Parti Sarawak) government is on the rise as the GPS government under the visionary leadership of the Premier has always kept its promises, unlike the Opposition.


“Where is the 20 per cent royalty that was promised to Sarawak? I hope the YB of Padungan (Chong) still remembers the promises he made in this august House. Did the YB of Padungan have to swallow his own ‘air liur’ (saliva) this time?”

That was Yap’s closing speech when debating the Forests (Amendment) Bill 2022 at the Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting here today.

The ‘air liur’ figure of speech was once used by the opposition to criticise Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg by saying that “Abang Jo ngeluar air liur aja” (Abang Jo is all talk and no action).

Meanwhile, on carbon credit, Yap said Sarawak has huge potential to be at the forefront of carbon trading with the passing of the Forests (Amendment) Bill 2022, as the average carbon sequestration of tropical forest in Sarawak is approximately 11 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per hectare.

“The potential to use our forests for revenue generation through preserving and conserving our forest by participating in forest carbon activity is the way forward,” he said.

Following the amendment, if passed, he said he hopes that the Sarawak government would be committed to working with the federal government to comply with the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility for a standardised framework recognised internationally for calculating emission carbon results. — DayakDaily
