‘Work From Home’ still being implemented by select sectors during CMCO

File photo of Ismail Sabri addressing a press conference on Covid-19.

KUCHING, May 20: Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob has assured that the ‘work from home’ order still applies under the current conditional movement control order (CMCO).

He was responding to reporters queries if the ‘work from home’ order had been withdrawn under the CMCO as most industries were allowed to resume business and people are back to work.

Speaking at his daily press conference on Covid-19 non-health related issues in Putrajaya today, he said it is still necessary for some to work from home because schools, kindergartens or nurseries are not allowed to open due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


“These places have not resumed operation. It means parents with young children are unable to send them there and hence no one to look after them. Thus, one parent needs to work from home to enable them to watch over the children at the same time,” he asserted.

Using the government workforce as an example, Ismail said many offices have resumed operations but only about 80 per cent are working from the office.

The remaining 20 per cent are these categories who need to work from home.

However, Ismail did not elaborate if the directive also applies to those in the private sector.

Meanwhile, he also announced that those in the filming industry are allowed to resume under the CMCO but only after Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

However, filming activities such as meetings or talent auditions can only be held virtually or online.

“Production companies must comply with the National Security Council (NSC) and Ministry of Health (MOH) standard operating procedures (SOP). The restrictions include hiring a security supervisor to ensure all SOP is complied with at all time, not more than 20 people in the filming scene or set and no buffet spread for the crew’s meals. Only take away or packet meals allowed.

“No close-up filming is allowed as well due to the one-meter distance requirement unless producers can come up with a creative way or angle the camera to do so,” Ismail said.

On top of that, he added that makeup artists or hairdressers must wear a face shield, face mask and wash their hands before and after every makeup sessions.

However, he reminded that such permission is only granted for those in filming, drama and advertising.

Theatres and live performances that will involve big crowds are still not allowed. —DayakDaily
