What the youth want: “Jaga maruah negara”, make Malaysians proud of their country

Dato Peter Minos (file pic)

KUCHING, Nov 2: “Jaga maruah negara” (defend the nation’s honour) and make Malaysians proud of their own country — this is the cry of the youth, according to political pundit Dato Peter Minos.

“They expressed the wish that every YB (elected representative) must make Malaysia respected by the world, apart from bringing forth physical development.

“Some said, ‘If our country is rich and prosperous but not respected and not admired by others in the world, it is not worth it,”. This startled me. They know what is ‘jaga maruah negara’,” said Minos in a press statement today, after meeting and talking to random voters below 20 years of age recently.


He said another area of concern for the youth is the wealth disparity between the haves and the have-nots.

“Some youths were not happy with glaring inequality in Malaysia. Why some are so rich and some being so poor, they asked. I had no answer to that but the government has.

“We must not think our young voters do not know. They do. Talk to them. They have ideas, some of which are valid. The future, after all is theirs. Political parties and politicians must be aware,” said the former Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) deputy info chief.

He said the youth are also concerned over job opportunities and hope to see the government creating plenty of jobs, as they need income to survive. He noted that for the youth, going through secondary school, college and later university only to end up jobless, will bring about much anxiety and frustration.

On government, the youth expect the government to be smart and effective and able to bring about common good, not one that talks and promises but cannot deliver.

“Corruption”, to the youth is another word they find repulsive and are aware that it is a “terrible disease”. To them, corruption brings about shame to Malaysia.

“The world looks down on Malaysia because of corruption. Also they said corruption would kill the country. I cannot agree with that more.”

On their prefered qualities in their elected representatives, Minos said the youth want younger ones who are friendly and not the older ones who are haughty.

He added, the youth’s expectations are nothing but fair. — DayakDaily
