Wee to parents: Stop practicing double standards when it comes to unvaccinated kids below 11yo

Wee at social media live session "Shall Wee Talk" today (Oct 16, 2021).

By Lian Cheng

KUCHING, Oct 16: It’s a glaring double standard to advocate for children below 11-years-old to enter public places such as eateries yet assert that it was unsafe for them to go back to school, said Kuching South City Council (MBKS) mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng.

Wee said he had received complaints from parents who believed that they should be allowed to bring their children to restaurants and coffeeshops for dine-in.


“Why was it that when schools were allowed to open, you (parents) objected.  Why is it now that you are asking to bring your children out to dine-in the public places?  They (children below 11-years-old) are not vaccinated.  

“As parents, please do not apply double standards. Why is it that your children cannot go to school but they can go dine-in in restaurants and coffeeshops?” Wee questioned in his weekly social media live session titled ‘Shall Wee Talk’ today.

He acknowledged that the SOP (standard operating procedure) set by the State Disaster Management Committee allows children below 11-years-old  to go to public places if both their parents are fully vaccinated.

Despite this, Wee said he greatly discouraged parents to do so because such children are not vaccinated.

“This is to protect your children. They did not even take the first shot. Why bring them to eat out? If you love your children, I will tell you that bringing them to public places is not encouraged. There is no need to take the risk.”

He said there were restaurant owners who refused to serve children aged below 11 and yet were chided by the parents.  

“Restaurant owners, you can make your own decisions. You have the right to refuse entry to children below the age of 11,” said Wee, who added that such children could also spread Covid-19 after being infected by it. — DayakDaily 
