Voon : Voters can sue EC or relevant authorities if contracted Covid19 during election

Voon Lee Shan

By Nancy Nais

KUCHING, Oct 17: Elections during the Covid-19 pandemic can potentially expose the Elections Commission (EC) and relevant authorities be brought to court by voters who contracted Covid-19 during voting, alleged Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan.

ā€œIt could also expose the EC and relevant authorities be brought to court by eligible voters who could not vote because of Covid-19. Of course these will be a test case before the court,ā€ Voon said in a statement, today.


He was responding to Tourism, Arts and Culture Minister Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah comment when Elections Commission Chairman Abdul Ghani Salleh suggest not to hold the state elections during this time.

ā€œI was a shock to read Karimā€™s statement on this matter. He has failed to consider nor care about the lives of Sarawakians during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many people whom Iā€™ve met in the past few days expressed their concern over this matter as well.

ā€œMalaysia is currently struggling because many ministers and politicians did not lead by example by going around in public without adhering to standard operating procedures (SOP), contracted the virus themselves and we do not have the proper medical facilities and manpower to fight Covid-19,ā€ Voon said in a statement.

He added that Karim should understand why New Zealand and Singapore governments were able to control the control the spread the deadly Covid-19, is because their politicians were disciplined in fighting the virus.

As for the United States of America, Voon said Karim should understand that the Constitution is different from Malaysia.

ā€œIn US, the constitution has fixed a clear date called Election Day for federal public officials and presidents while in Malaysia, they can hold elections at anytime within the term.

ā€œTherefore the US has no choice but to hold elections in November as fixed by the constitution,ā€ Voon pointed.

He further asserted that Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government will only expire sometime mid year 2021 and therefore, there is no reason to rush for an election now.

ā€œTo call for the state election now will show that Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg and GPS have no respect to life, human and constitutional rights of citizens to vote.

ā€œThe GPS government is unable to stop West Malaysians from coming to Sarawak and campaign during this Covid-19 because once the state assembly (DUN) is dissolved, these people will immediately fly in,ā€ Voon said.

He added that the mandatory quarantine period in Sarawak is not a problem for these people to campaign in the state because they can still participate in the last leg of the campaign period.-DayakDaily
