Voon requesting the Queen of England to release Sarawak from colonialism

Voon Lee Shan

KUCHING, Sept 15:  Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) extends request to the Queen of England to release Sarawak from colonialism and imperialism.

PBK president Voon Lee Shan held the British responsible for Sarawak’s questionable position within the Federation of Malaysia.

“The British should be held responsible for the political problems Sarawak has with the Federal government of Malaysia now. 


“May the Queen of England hear us and come to release (Sarawak) from colonialism and imperialism,” said Voon in a statement today.

He asserted that September 16 should be remembered by Sarawakians as a Colonisation Day, to mark the day the United Kingdom (UK) relinquished her duty to grant Sarawak independence as required under United Nations Resolutions 1514. 

“Under United Nations Resolutions 1514, there was no discretion for UK not to decolonize Sarawak or to disallow Sarawak to decolonize. 

“September 16, 1963 was the day UK handed Sarawak to Malaya as part of the territory of Malaya. Malaya was happy to take Sarawak as part of Malaya’a territory,” said Voon.

He strongly held that Sarawak would not have to keep “begging” for allocations if she were to be granted independence in 1963.

“Had Sarawak been given independence instead of being given to Malaya to form Malaysia, Sarawakians need not beg for fund allocations for its development. 

“At the moment, Sarawak has to beg and depend much on the mercy of the federal government. 

“Federal ministers came with promises of oil and gas royalties of 20 per cent during elections (14th General Election) but until now Sarawakians are still waiting for the promise to be fulfilled,” said Voon.

The former Batu Lintang assemblyman said much has to be done for Sarawak as after 56 years of joining Malaya to form Malaysia, Sarawak does not even have a decent and proper highway. 

“The road conditions are horrible and invite deaths. A few days ago, two people died in a horrible death in a road accident. Lives could have been saved if the roads are good and wider like in Malaya,” he said. — DayakDaily
