Voon: MAS air stewardesses’ uniforms are beautiful as they are

Voon Shiak Ni

KUCHING, Dec 13: A male politician who has proposed that the national flag-carrier’s flight stewardesses wear shariah-compliant uniforms is bringing shame to the country.

“It is disgusting to have male politicians in this country who try to link matters to sex and women,” said PKR national women’s vice-president Voon Shiak Ni.

She said it is a shame to have a politician like this and his proposal is simply insensitive and provocative in a multiracial and multi-religious society like Malaysia.


“It is also a blatant insult to imply that our female flight attendants in Malaysia Airlines are dressed sexily when what they are actually wearing now is the iconic sarong kebaya which reflects the beautiful traditional attire of Malaysia,” she said in a statement today.

Voon said there are many more important things in this country to talk about and to improve on, especially on the rising costs of living, but she regretted that this senator only focused on sexist talk.

Voon also cautioned that making a statement on the dress code of the national airline would ignite religious tensions by stating that Malaysia is an Islamic state, which the country is not.

“We wish to remind all politicians to be more professional and to put the preservation of peace and harmony as a priority in the execution of their duty as the nation’s leaders,” she added.

Umno senator Hanafi Mamat had proposed that the government introduce shariah-compliant uniforms for flight stewardesses serving in the country’s airlines, in line with Malaysia’s image as a Muslim country.

He had reportedly said that flight stewardesses who dress sexily and disrespectfully will give tourists who use the services of our national carrier the wrong impression.

“The time has come for the government to provide new uniform guidelines which will portray Malaysia as a Muslim country with strong eastern values,” he said during the debate on the Supply Bill 2018 in the Dewan Negara.

Hanafi’s proposal came on the heels of various calls on the aviation industry in Malaysia to change to shariah-compliant practices.

PAS and several Muslim NGOs had earlier urged Malaysia Airlines to stop serving alcohol on its planes.

However, Transport Minister Dato Sri Liow Tiong Lai said in a reply in the Dewan Rakyat in August that serving alcohol during flights was up to the individual airlines. — Dayak Daily
