Visitors from near and far flock to Kuching city’s newest landmark

Visitors admire the night view of Sarawak River from one of the viewing platforms on the bridge.

KUCHING, Feb 18: Have you taken a stroll yet across the Golden S Bridge?

If you have not, perhaps consider doing so one evening when the breeze is soothing and the sky is clear.

If you are bringing along your family, it is advisable to go early in the evening, between 6pm to 8pm. But if you plan to go with your beloved, or alone, then it would be more enjoyable to go a bit later, for example, after 9pm to avoid the crowds.


Evening time is ideal as the lights on the bridge and along the waterfront and their reflections on the Sarawak River is amazing to see.

Crossing the bridge from the Kuching South side, one can see the majestic State Legislative Assembly Complex on the right and the historical Astana residence on the left, their glowing reflections framed on the surface of the river.

The bridge is located next to the State Legislative Assembly complex, another landmark in Sarawak.

The Golden S Bridge, which has been officially named as the Darul Hana Bridge by Head of State Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, is currently the hottest and most popular place to hang out in Kuching City in the evening.

It has become one of the most shared recent topics on social media, with locals and visitors uploading countless pictures of the bridge taken from different angles while sharing about their experiences crossing the bridge to the opposite side.

The Golden S Bridge, which is the newest landmark in the state capital, has successfully drawn the attention of tourists, judging from the crowd of visitors taking a stroll across the bridge on any given day.

A security guard stationed at a bank on Carpenter Street told the DayakDaily that since the bridge was declared open on Nov 11, visitors comprising both local residents and outstation visitors from places such as Sibu, Miri and other parts of Sarawak, have taken the opportunity to step foot on the bridge.

“This area is already very congested before the opening of the bridge. Now the traffic jam in this area is even worse, especially when schools break for year-end holidays.

“Every day, a few thousand visitors come here to walk on the bridge. Most of them come during the evening time. People just come here to cross the bridge,” said the security guard.

He said most of the visitors consisted of families, with many bringing children in tow.

“Now, in the evening, this place which is already quite vibrant becomes even more noisy, especially when there are kids around. Everyone just comes to cross the bridge and they leave happy and excited,” said the security guard who declined to be named.

A view of Kuching Waterfront as seen from the bridge.

Crossing the bridge is an experience worth the effort, especially later in the evening when the crowds have subsided.

The breeze, lights, reflections on the river, and the overall serene atmosphere gives the whole place a sense of tranquility and peacefulness. It is thus not surprising that there are many visitors who prefer to just sit quietly along the banks of the river, enjoying the night view, where every now and then, a colourful ferry sampan gracefully glides across the river’s surface.

The bridge which costs RM35 million, is a curvilinear steel cable stay pedestrian bridge, spanning 355 metres across the Sarawak River.

Walking along the first 150 metres, the bridge feels to be very solid. However, after passing the first viewing platform, near the centre part of it, one can actually feel the bridge swaying. The swaying is very mild, and some visitors initially were not certain about it until they discussed among themselves.

It feels not unlike sitting on a boat at sea when the waves are small. It is mild, and may cause some to feel a bit dizzy. However, visitors should have no fear as the bridge is safe.

The part that “sways” is only about 50 metres. Once they have passed across that section, pedestrians will feel themselves to be on relatively solid ground again.

The uniquely curved bridge has been drawing tourists and visitors from far and wide, especially on weekends

A word of caution though for visitors with acrophobia. It would be advisable for them to bring some company when crossing the bridge as the bridge is suspended about 40 metres above the river and may cause some to feel discomfort.

Kuching Waterfront is already a tourist attraction that visitors to Kuching should not miss. The addition of the Golden S Bridge has given an extra shine to the area.

The bridge has indeed become an iconic feature for Kuching, and even Sarawak tourism as a whole as it is successfully rejuvenating the old part of Kuching especially Kuching Waterfront. — DayakDaily
