Vandals strip multiple Sibu fire hydrants of copper components, raising fire risk

Suna showing a fire hydrant that has been vandalised for copper components.

SIBU, Nov 9: The Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) here is sending an SOS to the public to help safeguard fire hydrants after an estimated 40 to 50 units have been found vandalised.

“In August, we reported to the police after 16 hydrants were found damaged. But after another round of inspections yesterday (Nov 8), the number of fire hydrants vandalised has increased. We believe that the number has shot up to between 40 to 50 units,” said
Bomba Central Station chief Suna Kaha

In condemning such an irresponsible act, Suna said the culprit(s) had used hard objects like a big hammer to hit hydrant nozzles until they break before taking away copper parts.


“They stole the copper components and sold them to scrap metal collectors. I appeal to collectors or scrap metal shops not to buy them. Help us to safeguard fire hydrants instead as they are important assets in time of fire,” he said.

Suna also called on the public to lodge reports either with the department or the police should they come across any damaged fire hydrants.

“When we have malfunctioning fire hydrants due to vandalism, the risk is very high as it could cost people’s lives or property destroyed by fire. I appeal to the local community to jointly safeguard and monitor fire hydrants. If they are damaged, report to us or the police,’ he said.

He said vandalised fire hydrants were found in most parts of the town which include Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, Jalan Merdeka and Jalan Simpoh. — DayakDaily
