“Use signage to tell outsiders not to visit during Gawai”

Temenggong Austin Dimin Niyon

KUCHING, May 17: Kuching division Bidayuh community leader Temenggong Austin Dimin Niyon is urging Bidayuh villages to put signage at the entrance of their villages informing outsiders they were not allowed to visit during Gawai Dayak.

He said such an effort would help to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

Austin said if the villages can put up such notices during the Control Movement Order (MCO) period, a similar effort can be made for the Gawai Dayak celebration.


“I strongly agree that the Bidayuh villages can put signage at the entrance of their respective village to tell outsiders not to make any Gawai visit.

“It is not that we don’t want to entertain them, but this is just not the time yet due to Covid-19,” Austin pointed out when contacted.

During the MCO period, almost all Bidayuh villages put up signage to prohibit outsiders from entering the said village.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who is chairman of the State Disaster Management Committee, had recently advised people not to make house visits during the coming Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Gawai Dayak celebrations. — DayakDaily
