Urgent actions needed to clear accumulating debris in upper Balui and Linau

Immerse accumulation of debris at Long Jakah, Sg Linau, at the upper reaches of the Bakun Lake as of Nov 16, 2020.

By Peter Sibon

KUCHING, Dec 14: Upper Bakun Dam folks are calling on the relevant authorities to clear the huge debris which has been accumulating over the years at the upper reaches of the Balui and the Linau.

In highlighting this, Belaga assemblyman Datuk Liwan Lagang appealed to the authorities concerned, especially to the Sarawak Rivers Board (SRB) and Natural Resources and Environmental Board (NREB) to clear the debris soonest possible as it is dangerous for those living along the upper Balui and Linau to navigate along these rivers.


“The people from upper Bakun Lake have come to me to highlight their predicament. After I have checked the site, it is indeed a matter of urgent need to clear the debris as it impedes their movement as river transportation is the main mode of transportation for them,” Liwan told DayakDaily here today.

He said now that Christmas is approaching and in conjunction with the school holidays, those living in towns are going back to their respective longhouses to celebrate Christmas.

“It is this time of the year when there is a lot of movement by the people working in towns and cities, who would like to go back to be with their families.

“So I hope the relevant authorities will clear the debris as soon as possible to allow the people to move freely,” he said.

Huge deposition of debris at Long Jakah, Sg Linau, at the upper reaches of the Bakun Lake as of Nov 16, 2020.

Liwan, who is also the Assistant Minister of Utilities (Rural Electricity Supply) reiterated that the people are not asking too much but for the authorities to clear the way for their boats to pass through.

“At the moment, the areas affected is clogged with debris that makes navigation very dangerous.

“Until such a time, river transportation will remain vital for their daily needs,” Liwan stressed.

Among those who are greatly affected by the debris are the folks in Naha Nyabong, Sang Anau, Long Keboho, Naha Jalei, Long Jawe and Long Busang.

Meanwhile, Liwan said, the problem of debris would not cease as long as logging activities is still ongoing at the upper reaches of the Balui and Linau Rivers, which are tributaries feeding the reservoir of the Bakun HEP Dam.— DayakDaily
