Unity vital for S’wak to achieve RM282 bln in GDP under PCDS 2030, says Deputy Premier Dr Sim

Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 9: Sarawakians need to stay united so that the State can achieve RM282 billion in gross domestic product (GDP) under the Post-Covid-19 Development Strategy (PCDS) 2030, says Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian.

In his Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2024 message published by Sarawak Public Communications Unit (Ukas), Dr Sim said with only six years remaining, PCDS 2030’s targets must be prioritised.


“We only have six more years to achieve RM171 billion in GDP to reach our target by 2030. With this, not only will Sarawak transform into a high-income State, but households will also enjoy higher incomes.

“When we are united, no one can stop us from achieving prosperity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability by 2030,” he said.

The Minister of Public Health, Housing, and Local Government Sarawak added that Sarawak is now in an important stage of ‘nation building’ where the State government is beginning to move economic growth towards greater development.

He said this can be seen in the Sarawak government’s commitment to offering free tertiary education in State-owned universities by 2026 and regaining autonomy in health and education. — DayakDaily
