Unique construction ‘super-app’ to link Sarawak contractors, developers and buyers

Kueh (left) addressing the press while Wong listens in.

By Ling Hui & Ashley Sim

KUCHING, March 3: The new construction module that will be branded as Sarawak’s one-of-a-kind super-app is going to be the missing link between contractors, developers and buyers in the housing and real estate industry.

The module which is to be developed by Sarawak Housing and Real Estate Developer’s Association (Sheda) and MHub, will be a programme or system that offers better overall control over and monitoring of housing projects.


Sheda secretary-general Angie Kueh said through this module, developers are able to trace back construction work and pinpoint root causes of issues when brought up by buyers.

“With this system that we are going to construct together with MHub, we will be able to start (documenting activities) from the time of piling until the time of delivery.

“From there, we can know exactly what and where are the problems, and whether the problems have been rectified or not.

“Meaning to say, whenever the buyers complain, straightaway we know whether the issue is caused by the buyers themselves or the contractors,” she said.

Other related issues such as poor workmanship, delay in construction materials, or defects in materials can be detected through this module, she added.

Kueh also said that the module could overcome the issue of lack of documentation whereby some contractors do not keep documentation while working on projects.

“When we do not have proper documentation, events like flood, rain or shortage of materials will not be recorded.

“But with the platform, we can know what happened exactly and we can rectify the issue accordingly,” she said during the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony between Sheda and MHub at Sheda Kuching headquarters here today.

Meanwhile, MHub chief executive officer (CEO) Quek Wee Siong said the construction module will be developed in phases whereby the first phase is expected to be completed in the next eight months.

In the following phases, he said, there will be more engagement with various stakeholders to enhance the module.

Quek (centre) explaining to the press about the construction module while Tiang (left) and others listen in.

The ceremony which marked the official collaboration between Sheda and MHub was witnessed by Deputy Minister of Public Health, Housing and Local Government Michael Tiang.

Among others present were Sheda president Augustine Wong, MHub CSO Joshua Ong and Sheda council members, advisors and members. ā€” Dayakdaily
