Ulu Rimbas Asal bridge repairs begin one day after damage

Uggah (third left) with officers assessing the damage to the bridge.

BETONG, June 17: Repairs to the Ulu Rimbas Asal bridge here, which was partially destroyed by raging flood water yesterday morning, will be carried out today.

Nineteen families from Rh Benjamin Liang are affected by the disruption to bridge access.

Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas revealed the Betong Division Public Works Department (PWD) would undertake the repairs.


Together with political secretary to the Chief Minister Dr Richard Rapu and Betong PWD engineer Chiresly Francis Kureng, they visited the affected area yesterday afternoon.

Based on site inspection, the front portion of the eight-year-old bridge was found to have collapsed into the river due to bank erosion.

Uggah, who is Bukit Saban assemblyman, also met Tuai Rumah Benjamin and assured him of the government’s immediate attention to solve the the problem. — DayakDaily
