Uggah: RM48 bln allocated for Sarawak’s infrastructure development

(Seated, from left) Aidel, Julaihi, Uggah and Majang at the duty handover ceremony of Infrastructure and Port Development Minstry today (Jan 19, 2022).

KUCHING, Jan 19: A total of RM48 billion has been allocated by both the State and Federal government for the implementation of various infrastructure projects in Sarawak.

This was revealed by the newly appointed Infrastructure and Port Development Minister Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas, who emphasised that as such, it was absolutely important that these infrastructure projects be implemented efficiently and within the scheduled time.

Apart from putting an emphasis on the successful implementation of these infrastructure projects, Uggah also hoped for a tender system which will allow effective contractors to be identified.


“The Chief Minister (Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg) too had wanted the State Financial Office to find the best mechanism for the tender system in appointing contractors.

“We want contractors who can deliver well and as scheduled,” said Uggah at a symbolic duty handover ceremony held at the ministry’s office today.

At the ceremony, Uggah who is also Deputy Chief Minister also presented duty notes to his two assistant ministers Datu Malang Renggi and Aidel Lariwoo. 

MIPD Permanent Secretary Datu Safri Zainudin was also present at the ceremony.

“All agencies under the Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development (MIPD) need to work as a cohesive team to ensure the successful completion of all development projects.

“This was absolutely vital to help the State achieve its high income society vision by the year 2030,” said Uggah.

Uggah reminded officers of all agencies under MIPD of the people’s as well as the government’s high expectations on the ministry to deliver all approved projects successfully and within the scheduled timeframe.

“The people had given us their very strong support in the recent State election so they must have very high expectations on us to deliver on all election promises. The government, too has similar high expectations on us as well,” said Uggah.

He said when the ministry was making full use of the allocations given, they will generate economic growth where the people will benefit through the multiple effects.  

“If the allocations are not spent or projects are delayed, we cannot achieve the objective of economic growth. 

“Our Chief Minister has expressed the hope that we can register a growth of eight per cent annually after 2030,” said Uggah. — DayakDaily
