Tupong rep: Padungan rep’s ‘mintak anok’ attitude cause of perceived backlash

Fazzruddin debating the TYT's Address in the august House on May 10, 2024.

By Karen Bong

KUCHING, May 10: Padungan assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen has only himself to blame if he was upset that he had come under fire in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly sitting last Wednesday (May 8), owing to his “mintak anok” (inviting scorn) attitude, says Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman.

Fazzrudin pointed out that Chong had the option to remain silent and abstain from the debate like many others, yet he chose to express his opinions forcefully.


“He must take responsibility for that (his actions),” he raised when debating the TYT Address in august House today.

During Wednesday’s session, Chong, along with his Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak colleague, Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong, expressed their refusal to support the Motion of Thanks to the late Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

Chong claimed that while Taib might have contributed to Sarawak’s development, there were concerns about his administration during his tenure as chief minister.

This stance prompted criticism from numerous Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) lawmakers, who condemned Chong’s perceived disrespect and rudeness, particularly towards the deceased, which they deemed contrary to Asian or Sarawakian values.

To that, Fazzrudin contested Chong’s claim of oppression within the august House against Opposition members, highlighting that Chong has consistently been given the opportunity to voice his opinions, including during Tuesday’s debates on two out of three Bills.

“If he was really suppressed, I don’t think he would have the opportunity to speak at all. But he is painting a picture that he is being suppressed and that the august House is oppressive.

“This is untrue. The government bench has been more than accommodating and open to whatever he has to say,” he emphasised.

Fazzrudin added that the supermajority by GPS in this august House is due to the confidence of the people in Sarawak Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg and the open-mindedness of the government that is guided by democratic principles.

“We also have the confidence of the elected representatives. That is why Bawang Assan (Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh) is now in the government bench. Same goes to Engkilili (Johnichal Rayong Ngipa) and Ba’kelalan (Baru Bian),” he concluded. — DayakDaily
