Tupong rep chides Padungan rep for ‘crying wolf’, creating perceptions to mislead DAP members

Fazzrudin (left) and Chong.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, May 14: Tupong assemblyman Fazzrudin Abdul Rahman (GPS-PBB) has chided Padungan assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen (PH-DAP) for ‘crying wolf’, reminding him that he has been voted into the august House to speak the truth and not create perceptions that could mislead its members.

Fazzrudin said this in a press statement yesterday in response to a statement made by Chong, who is also Sarawak Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak chairman.


“I am surprised Chong made the argument that he was bullied into submission, being unable to say what he wants.

“Let me remind Chong that he was voted into the august House to speak the truth and not create perceptions which might mislead the members of the Dewan,” he said.

Fazzrudin also reminded Chong of the inconsistencies in his own words, stating that he remembered Chong giving a moving tribute to the late Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud by saying Taib had laid a strong foundation for the present Sarawak government.

“However, when a motion was tabled in the same tune of his own statement, not only he refused to support it, but he was being disrespectful. I wonder if he was instructed not to support?” Fazzrudin questioned.

Bringing up the subject of dilapidated schools several years ago, he said the ruling federal government at that time, which Fazzrudin described as Chong’s ‘party boss’, said they would only implement repairs once all existing loans had been repaid.

He said at that time Chong was quick to blame Premier Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg for not allocating funds despite the fact that education matters were under the purview of the federal government.

He reminded Chong that following that, Sarawak never delayed in its repayment of the loan and for the sake of Sarawakians, the GPS government had advanced funds to the federal government to repair the dilapidated schools.

To Fazzrudin, now that the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government is providing the initial funding for the implementation of education and health projects in Sarawak to be reimbursed later by Putrajaya, Chong has remained silent and has not given due credit.

“I believe Chong has a flawed view of democracy, not understanding the responsibility that comes with it (being an elected representative). As he has said, with great power comes great responsibilities.

“In this case, he is refusing to be responsible for his words and when reminded, he is crying wolf,” he said.

On May 8, Chong along with his Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak colleague, Pending assemblywoman Violet Yong, expressed their refusal to support the Motion of Thanks to the late Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud.

He claimed that his refusal had led him being “whacked the whole day” despite his efforts to understate the failure of Taib where almost every single GPS representative started their debates by slamming him, before moving on to praise Taib.

In response, on May 10, Fazzrudin said Chong’s “mintak anok” (inviting scorn) attitude was what caused him to come under fire in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly sitting last Wednesday (May 8).

Following Fazzrudin’s “minta anok” statement, Chong responded in a social media page that he was voted into Sarawak Legislative Assembly to speak the truth and not to speak pleasing things to the ears of GPS. — DayakDaily

Chong’s statement on May 11, 2024. Source: Chong Chieng Jen/Facebook