Tun Abdul Razak IPG Kota Samarahan crowned champion in CIP-GPS 2022

Rosol (standing, third left) and others posing for a group photo with the CIP-GPS 2022 winners after the prize presentation.

KUCHING, June 30: Tun Abdul Razak Teachers Education Institute (IPG) Kota Samarahan Campus was crowned the champion in the ‘Cabaran Intelektual Pengguna Gerakan Pengguna Siswa 2022’ (CIP-GPS), beating 83 other contenders.

Second place went to Batu Lintang IPG, while Sabak Bernam Community College settled for third place.

According to Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPENHEP) in a statement today, CIP-GPS is an interactive user competition which tests ‘Gerakan Pengguna Siswa’ (GPS) knowledge related to consumerism such as consumer protection, prudent financial practices, healthy eating and environmental conservation.


The ministry believes the role played by GPS members is very significant as they are ambassadors for KPDNHEP as well as serve as the eyes and ears of the government in invigorating and disseminating consumer advocacy information among young consumers.

The prizegiving ceremony was officiated at by KPDNHEP Deputy Minister Dato Rosol Wahid.

Among other higher learning institutes from Sarawak participating in the challenge were UiTM Samarahan Campus, IPG Rajang Campus, Politeknik Kuching, Cosmopoint College Kuching, Sidma College Sarawak and i-CATS.

Organised by KPDNHEP together with GPS from higher learning institutes nationwide, the three-day (June 28 to 30) challenge saw a participation of 84 GPS nationwide at UiTM Arau Campus in Perlis. — DayakDaily
