TROPI doing its bit to educate the public about tropical peatland

Dr Lulie Meling

KUCHING, August 25: Sarawak Tropical Peat Research Institute (TROPI) has been welcoming streams of visitors since moving to its permanent campus in Kota Samarahan in January 2015.

Yesterday, for instance, three tutors accompanied 26 students from Sarawak Skill Development Centre for a visit. The students are currently doing an oil palm-related subject as part of their overall course. For this subject, they needed exposure to plantation activities, including the types of peat in the state.

During their visit, TROPI director Dr Lulie Meling gave them a one-hour talk on peat. Later, the visitors were given a guided tour of the complex and laboratories dedicated to peat research.


On the same day, TROPI also welcomed 30 members of Sarakup Indu Dayak Sarawak (SIDS) Saratok Branch. Lulie also gave them a comprehensive overview of the functions of TROPI.

The visitors were also enlightened on the concept and management of kitchen science, which is touted as something everyone should be aware of, especially about chemical-infested agricultural products. This is to ensure they could protect themselves and others from harmful chemicals infiltrating their foods.

Research on peat is important because the state has 1.7 million hectares or 69 per cent of the total peatland in the country. TROPI, which came into being in 2008, reflects the state government’s commitment to the development and management of tropical peatland for agriculture in the state. — DayakDaily
