Travel from Kuching to Kapit with one-way RM82 bus fare

File photo for illustration purposes only.

By William Isau

SIBU, March 10: Kuching folk can now travel to Kapit with a one-way fare of RM82 covering 632km.

Sarawak Bus Transport Company Association adviser Lau Khing Seng said today that the bus from Kuching would briefly stop at Sibu Bus Terminal.


“It will then allow passengers to disembark to stock up on supplies before continuing the journey to Kapit,” he said.

However, he said that few bus companies want to service this sector due to several inconveniences.

“Buses from Kuching are usually big ones. However, the Kanowit-Kapit Road is small as it is a one-lane passageway. Moreover, there are several bends and turns along the way. These make it difficult for big buses to travel along the road.

“Our company once had to give up due to the said factors. Our bus from Kuching stopped at the bus terminal here. Passengers then changed to another bus to Kapit,” he added. ā€” DayakDaily
