Tourism Minister: MM2H applicants charged hefty fees by agents

Tiong King Sing

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, April 18: Minister for Tourism, Arts, and Culture Ministry (Motac) Dato Sri Tiong King Sing has revealed that Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) applicants are being charged large amounts of money that often reach tens of thousands of ringgit by unscrupulous agents.

However, he clarified that payment to agents does not guarantee approval, as each application must undergo the same rigorous process and approval is granted only if all necessary conditions are met.


“If the application process fails, then those who bear the loss and are affected are the applicant himself, who is the client of the agent. That is why some customers or potential participants of the MM2H programme feel that they have been cheated by their respective agents.

“Eventually, the agent will lose contact with the customer and the customer will have no other way to get back the payment that had been made. Indirectly this situation gives a negative perception of the country,” he said in a statement today.

Tiong disclosed that Motac have also identified some agents who are leasing their licenses to other parties.

“Following investigation, it was found that the ‘agent’ or ‘company’ are shell entities without legitimate contact numbers,” he added.

However, Tiong cautioned MM2H consultant association Anthony Liew against politicising the issue or misleading the public with inaccurate information.

He clarified that MM2H visa renewal for programme participants is separate from MM2H agent licenses.

“For MM2H pass holders whose visas have expired, they can continue to renew them at the MOTAC one-stop center. The department under MOTAC has been instructed to assist applicants in renewing participant passes during this transition period to prevent any issues,” Tiong assured. — DayakDaily

