Tiong chides Pelawan rep for mishandling of hawkers

Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing

By D’Drift Team

LIMBANG, July 6: Progressive Demcratic Party (PDP) president Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing has chided Pelawan assemblyman David Wong for making dismissive remarks on the relocation of Sibu Sunday Market.

Tiong believed that instead of making the hawkers a political football, Wong and his colleagues should help the hawkers to improve their livelihood to win their hearts.


“Wong must stop toying with the livelihood of the hawkers of the Sibu Sunday Market at Jalan Mahsuri if he is not interested in improving the market’s infrastructure and helping them to gain more income,” said Tiong, who is Bintulu MP, in a statement today.

Tiong held that Wong seemed more interested in using the traders as pawns in his quest for higher political mileage.

“He seems to also dismiss the need for the market’s relocation, without considering the disadvantages in the current location.

“It has been known for some time that the current Sunday Market location can no longer accommodate the increasing crowds.

“Overcrowding and lack of parking spaces have contributed to traffic congestion in the area.

“To allow the hawkers to better conduct their trade and receive more customers, it is wise to move them to a more ideal location.

“With a new location, I believe that more business opportunities could be generated for hawkers in order for them to maintain a respectable livelihood,” said Tiong.

Tiong who is also Prime Minister’s Special Envoy to China, thus concluded that it is disingenuous for some politicians to pour water on any measures to benefit the people.

He held that two new Sunday market locations in Jalan Indah and Jalan Lanang are currently under preliminary review.

Citing the example of Jalan Lanang, he said, the location will be able to better serve hawkers coming from Sarikei and Bintangor.

“With more space for traders and parking spots, I believe the number of customers will also be more than the previous location.

“If these relocations are properly arranged and managed, I would personally support moving the markets.”

He believed that a more conducive environment is vital for hawkers and families doing their weekend marketing.

“With the current health consideration due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it is doubly important for a new venue to be easier to keep clean and hygienic.

“In view of this, Wong should refrain from repeatedly making dismissive remarks to cause anxiety.

“He and his colleagues should surrender their prejudices to consider the livelihood of hawkers instead of playing with sentiment with this issue,” said Tiong.-DayakDaily
