Tiang encourages more private companies to assist public hospitals with healthcare

Tiang (third right) witnessing the handover of medical equipment from Wong (second right) to Dr Ngian (fourth right) today (Sept 28, 2022).

By Ashley Sim

KUCHING, Sept 28: Sarawak Deputy Minister for Public Health, Housing, and Local Government (Public Health and Housing) Michael Tiang is calling on more private companies to help the Sarawak government and federal government assist public hospitals in providing better healthcare to the people.

Tiang stated this earlier today in his speech before officiating the ‘Handover Ceremony of Paediatric Specialist Clinic Equipment by Lien Dak Group to Sarawak General Hospital (SGH)’ in Kozi Square Kuching here.


“As we all know, the healthcare matter comes under the purview of the federal government, but the Sarawak government has stepped up to offer help whenever it can in the State. This is after all for the betterment of Sarawakians.

“Therefore, not only the Sarawak government and the federal government work together to ensure the best healthcare, but with the assistance and collaboration of private companies or individuals in helping public hospitals, this will even provide a more conducive healthcare for the community,” he explained.

He also commended Lien Dak Group for going above and beyond by stepping forward to assist SGH.

“The company has gone above and beyond their call of duty by providing the much-needed items to SGH as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR).

“With that, I would like to also call upon more private companies to emulate the footsteps of Lien Dak Group and help those in need while they can,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lien Dak Group executive chairman Stephen Wong announced the donation of 14 units of medical examination couch with foldable steps and 13 units of medical x-ray viewer to SGH’s Paediatric Clinic on the Lower Ground Floor of Kozi Square Kuching.

Wong mentioned that the total cost of the assets is RM12,000.

“Giving back to society is very important to us, and Lien Dak Group is delighted and honoured to provide unending support to SGH.

“Earlier, during the Covid-19 outbreak, our company has also worked closely with SGH in combating the pandemic.

“We have provided free hotel stays and meals for the SGH frontliners who have been fighting Covid-19 tirelessly, and we have also provided SGH with space at our premise to carry out the Covid-19 vaccination programme,” he revealed.

In addition, SGH director Dr Ngian Hie Ung expressed gratitude to Lien Dak Group for its assistance during the pandemic years as well as the donation of medical equipment. — DayakDaily
