The Habit Challenge



By JW Sam


The secret to success is… (Click here)

Got you! That’s how click bait works, something that drives all our senses to click the link or button. This column will dive into the tech space to discuss and explore issues ranging from Web3 to Data Fabric and AI Engineering to Generative AI and other Disruptive Digital Trends.

Before chatting about all things technology, I thought we could start by setting some healthy habits! The Internet has become pervasive—permeating almost every aspect of our lives. Whilst many of us are aware that over indulgence (like binging on chocolate or fast food!) is not good for us especially our mental states, how many of us actually do something about it? Much has been written about Internet Etiquette, less so about Healthy Technology Habits. Perhaps we don’t need complex research, just actionable steps—things that we can do to cultivate a better relationship with technology. I have put together a few simple tips that have helped me, and that I hope will be of value to you.

1. No Phone 1-hr Mornings
The first thing many of us do when we first wake up is reach for the phone to catch up what we have missed out overnight. Sound familiar? People who are able to abstain from using their devices are said to experience a decrease in anxiety and increase in creativity that are adversely affected by that need to open and scroll! Rodríguez and Stillman among many others discuss and explore this extensively.

I know this is not easy, trust me. I experience difficulty with this too. What I do, is go for a 30-45minute run, followed with a shower. By the time I get to my phone, an hour has passed and my brain is functioning at optimum levels. Not to worry, you don’t have to run, but I do suggest getting out of the house and away from your phone for that first hour. It gets easier over time.

2. Reality Check
How often do we compare our lives with those around us, living vicariously through posts and stories on Social Media? The places they have visited, the material possessions owned, and comparing beauty standards on a daily basis. Often we don’t realize how detrimental these actions may be to our mental and emotional health.

What I do is stop to think and use my inner reality lens. These questions help to operate from that viewpoint:
1. How many takes did they do to get that shot?
2. How many filters did they go through before they found the perfect one?
3. How many times was the photo edited?
3. What was actually happening in the background?

These questions allow me the space to visualise what is real and what is framed. From that, I get to remind myself the definition of real and what it looks like. This helps me to examine the level of expectations placed on ourselves and to establish a healthy real relationship with the self.

Last but not least…

3. We are defined by the 6 around us.
I am sure everyone has heard of this axiom by now. We are defined by who we surround ourselves with. Without a doubt, our mobile technology devices are the front door to letting those 6 influencers in to our lives. Many of us passively accept adverts and content that are suggested to us without realising that what we read, we accept; and what we accept, we ultimately become.

Here’s what I try and practice. I ensure I curate my content with intention. I actively filter and select the topics that I want to know more about, the views that I wish to explore, and the perspectives that I choose to surround myself with. This, of course leads to new levels of reflection and consciousness of the self. Starting to sound meta? Thats where we are heading.

These are some of the habits I practise in my daily life, I hope it helps. You may want to start small, with one or two actions, and build your own platform of conscious activities. The best way to build a habit is to start doing! Accountability is key so we are going to do a Habit Challenge. If you are practising any of these good habits, please #WWWHabitChallenge on social media. Feel free to tag me on Instagram at @jw.sam I would love to join you on this journey!

Back soon, watch this space!

This is the first instalment for #ClickBait which is a fortnightly column. Stay tuned and follow us for more updates.
