Telang Usan incumbent faces relative in four-cornered fight

Left to right: Dennis, Gia, Philip, and Jau.

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, Dec 6: N.77 Telang Usan incumbent Dennis Ngau of Parti Pesaka
Bersatu Bumiputera (PBB) under Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) will be defending his seat against Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB), Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), and Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK).

This morning, the two-term assemblyman arrived at the nomination centre at 9am to submit his candidacy forms at Dewan SJK(C) Kee Tee.


Dennis will be facing Jau Jok @ Jenggo from PSB who is also his relative, Philip Jau Ding from PKR, and Gia Bala from PBK.

In the 11th Sarawak Election, Dennis won the seat with 167 votes, defeating Roland Engan from PKR.

Dennis garnered a total of 3,231 votes, while Roland secured 3,064 votes. ― DayakDaily
