Teacher struck by lightning during longboat ride to Sg Kut, Dalat

The victim, Alvin Chelen.

DALAT, June 11: A teacher of a primary school in Batang Igan was killed by lightning at about 5pm yesterday.

The incident is said to have happened near a longhouse, Rumah Penguang when the 32-year-old victim, Alvin Chelen, was on a boat ride from the school to Sg Kut, Dalat.

Dalat District police chief DSP Saga Chunggat said at the time of the incident the victim was alone in a longboat while another teacher and a school clerk were about 25 meters behind him in another boat.


DSP Saga said according to the two of the victim’s colleagues, he was suddenly struck by lightning.

“The victim fall backwards. Both colleagues turned off the boat engine and tried to save the victim but he died on the spot,” he added

They then towed the victim’s boat to the Sg Kut jetty about 2km from the scene and later contacted the ambulance and police.

Police arrived at the jetty 15 minutes later and took the victim to Dalat Hospital.

“Doctors said the victim suffered serious head injuries due to lightning strike, burns on the head and clothes,” he added.—DayakDaily

The ambulance sending the victim’s body to the hospital.