Tasik Biru rep leaves no stones unturned in serving constituents

Datuk Henry Harry Jinep.

By Jacob Achoi

KUCHING, July 5: Tasik Biru assemblyman Datuk Henry Harry Jinep says he has left no stones unturned in bringing development and to help the constituents.

He said several projects have already been implemented in the area and would continue, while efforts to help the needy, like repairing or building houses for them is also an ongoing process.


“From land issue, water and electricity supply to rural areas, connectivity and road accessibility to individual houses, farm roads and kampung roads throughout my constituency, have been taken care of, progressing and also being planned.

“The repair of houses of the needy, which has been very significant, where almost every dilapidated houses have either been repaired or upgraded is an ongoing process too,” Henry said when contacted today.

In terms of education, he said so much have been done for the school children like improving infrastructure and supporting them for academic development and performance.

He also said Bau has turned from a sleeping town and slowly changing towards a busy town where more business outlets have mushroomed, which directly provide employment, especially for the locals.

On the RM5 million annual allocation under the Rural Transformation Programme (RTP) provided by the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government, Henry said it has contributed to the purchasing power of the locals, who are directly or indirectly employed.

He also said he is looking forward to provide more accessibility to rural land so that people can start to utilise their idle land and participate more aggressively in farming.

The one-term GPS assemblyman from Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) said he has been on the ground since day one after the 2016 state election, having visited almost every nook and corner of the area, meeting people to see their needs and to get closer to them.

“We have left no stones unturned and will continue to do so to bring development and help the people.

“So yes we are prepared for the state election,” Henry said.

Henry won the seat in the 2016 state election after he defeated Mordi Bimol from DAP, having secured 6,922 votes against Mordi, who garnered 5,634 votes.

Meanwhile, reports said federal and state polls may coincide soon.-DayakDaily
