Talib: Sarawak govt first to integrate anti-corruption unit within its structure

Datuk Talib Zulpilip

KUCHING, Dec 12: The Sarawak government has since 2017 established the Integrity and Ombudsman portfolio while initiating integrity programmes since 2018.

Minister in the Chief Minister’s Department (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Talib Zulpilip disclosed the Integrity and Ombudsman portfolio which was set up since Jan 7, 2017, is tasked with planning and implementing integrity culture programmes, and investigating any form of complaint or distortion in the state government’s administration.

“Following this, the State Integrity and Ombudsman Unit (Union) under the Chief Minister’s Department was established on February 1, 2018,” according to Talib in a statement today.


He revealed that prior to the setting up of Union, the ministry used the Integrity Team force, in the State Human Resources Unit.

“To further enhance its anti-corruption effort, in collaboration with the federal government, the Sarawak Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Deputy Director of Prevention was deployed at Union on Feb 11, 2019, to prevent corruption and to maintain integrity in the state’s public service.

Meanwhile, Talib also revealed as of Nov 1, 2019, Union has run 89 programmes involving 27,921 people.

“For the year 2019, 41 programmes have been implemented with the participation of 12,136 participants from all walks of life.”

He disclosed that in an effort to ensure the culture of integrity is inculcated among public service personnel, Union will continue to run a series of Ethics and Integrity programmes as well as the ‘Do The Right Thing’ programme.

“The programme is aimed at management groups and executives in an effort to ensure that the message of integrity reaches every level of administration and layer in the state’s public service.

“In addition, a series of ‘The Integrity Coffee Talk’ programmes will also be carried out, with the aim to address current issues related to integrity in the state’s public service.”

Talib revealed his ministry is also collaborating with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Academy (MACA) to train Certified Integrity Officers (CeIOs).

“Union has also taken the first step in cooperation with MACA by introducing a Certified Integrity Officer (CeIO) programme in Sarawak.

“To date, 94 state public service officers have completed the programme. The presence of these certified integrity officers who act as the eyes and ears of the state government will enhance transparency and accountability in the state government’s service delivery system,” he added.

Referring to MACC Chief Commissioner Latheefa Koya’s live interview on TV3 on Dec 11, 2019, Talib revealed he was impressed by the former’s determination to improve MACC’s reputation as an enforcement agency, as well as to enhance the prevention of corruption, and strengthen integrity culture.

“We fully support her initiative as the first female MACC leader to prioritise such matters as public awareness programmes and suggestions for reviewing cases of public interest.

“We also support the MACC’s recommendation to place senior MACC Officers in the office of the Chief Minister and to train CeIOs in high-risk government departments,” Talib added. — DayakDaily
