S’wak govt studying potential of linking Bintulu Port to Nusantara via railway

Dr Sim (centre) presenting a cheque to a recipient while political secretary to the Premier, Kho Teck Wan (right), looks on during the cheque handover ceremony at SUPP headquarters in Kuching on March 24, 2024.

By DayakDaily Team

KUCHING, March 24: The Sarawak government is studying the potential of linking Bintulu Port to Indonesia’s capital, Nusantara, via railway.

Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian said Bintulu Port’s strategic location has the potential to transport goods to Nusantara in the shortest time via railway as compared to using sea routes.


According to him, the distance from Bintulu Port to the new capital of Indonesia it is only few hundred kilometers, and with the high speed rail, such as used in China, it can cover the distance in three hours.

“Shipping routes take two days. So which one do you think the people would prefer? Two days by ship or three hours via railway to go to the new Indonesian capital?” he said during a cheque presentation ceremony to 45 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and associations at Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) headquarters today.

He said the Sarawak government’s efforts in taking over Bintulu Port are not because it is the most profitable port in Malaysia but to strengthen the State’s development and financial viability.

On March 22, the Ministry of Transport Malaysia (MOT) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Port Development Sarawak (MIPD) signed a memorandum of understanding in Putrajaya to formalise the change of Bintulu Port’s status from a Federal Port to a State Port. – DayakDaily
