S’wak govt collects just under RM5 bln revenue as of March 31, optimistic in achieving RM12.7 bln revenue projection for 2024

Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas. (file photo)

By Ling Hui

KUCHING, May 15: The Sarawak government has, as of March 31, collected RM4.798 billion or 38 per cent of the RM12.749 billion projected State’s revenue for 2024.

Sarawak Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah Embas said the State Sales Tax (SST) and cash compensation in lieu of oil and gas (O&G) rights contributed RM1.462 billion and RM1.234 billion, respectively.


He said Sarawak’s investment in Malaysia LNG Group of Companies (MLNG) had generated a dividend amounting to RM1.303 billion.

Other revenue collected include RM162 million from raw water royalties, RM304 million from interest income, RM61 million from forestry receipts, RM31 million from land premiums, RM24 million from federal grants and reimbursements, and RM217 million from other sources such as mining royalties, water sales and land rent.

“Based on the performance thus far, we are confident that we can achieve the targeted revenue projection for this year, barring any unfavourable circumstance at the geopolitical level globally which could adversely affect oil and gas markets,” said Uggah in his ministerial winding-up in Sarawak Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting here today.

Uggah, who is also Second Minister of Finance and New Economy, said the Sarawak government has spent RM1.119 billion or 9.1 per cent of the approved Ordinary Expenditure as of March 31, 2024.

He also said a sum of RM441 million or 4.8 per cent has been expended for development expenditure over the same period.

“These expenditures are expected to pick up towards the second half of the year in tandem with the progress of programme and project implementation.

“Towards this, I urge all Controlling Officers and Heads of Department to intensify their efforts in ensuring the successful execution of programmes and projects within their purview,” he said.

Uggah also urged Heads of Department and Officers-in-charge of projects to go down to the ground frequently so that they learn about issues firsthand and resolve them expeditiously. — DayakDaily
