Supt Collin Babat takes over as acting Sibu police chief in wake of ACP Stanley’s retirement

ACP Stanley (left) hands over his duties to acting Sibu CPD, Supt Collin as Aidi (centre) looks on.

Sibu, Nov 11: Supt Collin Babat is now the acting Sibu district police chief following the retirement of his predecessor, ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit.

Supt Collin who has been ACP Stanley’s deputy for the past two years, took over from the latter at a ceremony which was witnessed by State Commissioner of Police, Datuk Aidi Ismail today.

In his parting message, ACP Stanley said that he wanted the police to remain committed to crime prevention work.


“I believe my successor will be able to uphold the responsibility and trust given by the top leaders of the force, including achieving its the vision and mission,” he said.

ACP Stanley is retiring after serving the force for almost 39 years. He took the helm of Sibu OCPD on January 6, 2018.

“I take this opportunity to congratulate the efforts of all staff in Sibu OCPD in reducing the crime index rate for the year 2021 by 41.02 per cent to 313 cases from 40 cases a year earlier,” he said.

ACP Stanley hoped that the Sibu police force will continue to increase crime prevention efforts, either through community policing or conventional policing, to ensure that the government’s aim of reducing crimes can be achieved.

“The success in reducing the crime rate rests on the shoulders of all PDRM staff members and it requires a high level of cooperation and commitment,” he emphasised.

Additionally, he also wanted them to carry out community policing activities so that the community could feel their presence, especially in residential areas and hotspots.

“This effort is necessary to increase the community’s trust of the police to prevent crimes such as housebreaking as well as motorcycle and car theft,” he said.

ACP Stanley called on members of the force to give their full support to Supt Collin similar to what they had shown him.

On life during retirement, he said he would be back with his family in Saratok.

Supt Collins, who has been with Sibu OCPD for two years, pledged to do his best.

Datuk Aidi in thanking ACP Stanley for his service, said that the officer had achieved much during his years of service.

“Tuan Stanley has performed his duty with full dedication and committment as seen by the improved security in the town,” he said. — DayakDaily
