SUPP youth: PH lawmakers should verify news before making statements

Michael Tiang

KUCHING, June 11:  The news that the government has revoked the setting of ceiling retail prices for fuel is fake.

As such, political secretary to the Chief Minister Michael Tiang called on opposition elected representatives not to spread fake news and mislead the people.

“The news that ceiling retail prices of both petrol and diesel had been revoked was not true according to Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry (KPDNHEP).


“The opposition ADUNs (elected representatives) from Malayan political parties immediately criticising the government for revoking such price control mechanisms without even making an effort to verify the facts and started talking cheap again. 

“In fact, by doing so the opposition ADUNs were helping in spreading the fake news that misled the people,” said Tiang who is also Sarawak United Peoples’ Party (SUPP) youth chief in a press statement today.

Tiang reminded these opposition lawmakers of their pledge to stop fake news while Pakatan Harapan (PH) was in power.

“It is still in our vivid memory that during their 22 months of governance, the PH ADUNs pledged to stop fake news. But it seems nowadays it is the same ADUNs who are now jumping on the bandwagon in spreading fake news to gain political mileage.

“I urge these ADUNs to apologize to the people for their irresponsible statements on the revoked price control for petrol and diesel as the people are looking up to them for accurate information and guidance as their honourable representatives in the State Legislative Assembly. 

“I also call on these ADUNs to account for their service records in their respective constituencies. This is the kind of report that they owe to their constituents and not fake news,” said Tiang.

Yesterday, it was widely reported that KPDNHEP had rescinded the price control order that set a ceiling price for both RON95 to RM2.08 per litre and diesel RM2.14 per litre.

News reports quoted that the revocation was announced in a gazette dated June 3, and the order was approved by Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi.

On the same day, Nanta in press conference and later through a press statement clarified that the government has not removed the order on ceiling retail prices for petrol and diesel.

He called on all not to make any misleading statements with regards to the issue as this could give rise to more misunderstandings. — DayakDaily
