STB doing all it can to help local tourism industry get back on its feet, says chairman

Dennis presenting the sponsorship to the organising chairlady of the get-to-together dinner in conjunction with National Journalist Day, Catherine Igang (second right) during a courtesy call on Friday. Also present was the president of the Northern Sarawak Journalist Association, Andy Jong (second left).

By Jaythaleela K

MIRI, May 13: The Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) is keen to help local tourism players in the State to recover and adapt to the changing market situation post Covid-19.

“Covid-19 has been harsh on the hospitality industry, and that is why we have established various engagement strategies with our local tourism players so that they can rebound in post pandemic,” STB chairman Dennis Ngau disclosed today.


Dennis was met after handing over sponsorship for a media get-to-together appreciation dinner which will be held on May 27 here in conjunction with the National Journalist Day celebration.

“We want to build this industry and local operators must be ready to bring tourists,” he opined.

He added that from the feedback he received, many inbound local operators are back and are active once more now that the State’s borders have been reopened.

“No doubt, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way we travel, creating a new normal for outdoor tourism, including nature-based recreation and to experience local culture produced products,” Dennis pointed out.

On another note, he said, STB has been actively promoting Sarawak’s iconic Rainforest World Music Festival and the Borneo Jazz using digital platforms such as e-marketing and social media for promotion. — DayakDaily
